Burgess, Glenn and Don Burgess. 2013. Sierra Challenge: the Construction of the Chihuahua al Pacífico Railroad. News articles and photographs by Glenn Burgess; compiled and edited by Don Burgess. Taos, NM: Barranca Press. 208 pages. English.
Burgess, Glenn y Don Burgess. 2014. El Reto de la Sierra Tarahumara: La Construcción del Ferrocarril Chihuahua al Pacífico. Artículos de prensa y fotografías de Glenn Burgess compilados y editados por Don Burgess. Taos, NM: Barranca Press. 216 paginas. Español.
History | Historia
Burgess, Don. 1963. Missionary Efforts Among the Tarahumara Indians. Thesis, Texas Western College (University of Texas at El Paso). English.
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